The Shepherds of Montwood know that studying the Bible is vital. The Bible instructs us intellectually, and guides us spiritually. We believe that the Bible represents God's Word to us; the Bible is alive and relevant in our lives today. We know that God loves us and wants to abide with us always! Through scriptural studies we CAN know what God's Word says, and through this knowledge we can better understand God's Will in our lives; learning the Bible's truths is an incredible, life-long journey.
The Montwood Eldership puts a premium on the fresh study of the scripture that emphasizes life changes and devotion to God. Through God's Word and Will, all ministries at Montwood seek to help restore all of God's children to a healthy relationship with Him and one with another. Character, integrity, and respect are just a few values that learning God's Word can help restore, but first....we must learn what God Word says....Come learn with us, as we pursue this supreme goal!
Our shepherds are Jim Kotter, Demetrius Williams and Lonnie Tapscott (who also serves as our Spanish Minister)